Tuesday, December 17, 2013

A Super Helpful Site for Food Info.....

Eating healthy foods is an essential part to ones overall health. Make sure to check nutrition facts on the back of any prepackaged foods for detailed information about what the food contains. Another good way to check out how healthy the food you’re eating is http://fooducate.com/.
This website gives almost any product you could buy a letter grade based on how healthy it is. It does this by taking the nutrition facts and the ingredients into account. It adds points for foods with intrinsic nutrients and takes away points for foods with high levels of saturated fats, sugars and sodium. It also takes into account real beneficial nutrients instead of just ones the manufacturers add to the product. Another thing that accounts for a products grade is product category, meaning that they look for different things in yogurt and bread, or a breakfast or a dinner. How much a food is processed is also accounted for. The more processed it is the lower the grade level. The last thing taken into account is fortification, meaning that a product that has vitamins added to make 100% of your daily value doesn’t necessarily make it healthy, and a food that has it naturally is the healthier alternative.

You can search any food you want and its rating will pop up . For example if you search Goldfish Crackers, its rating is a C and it provides you with helpful information like the fact it contains MSG like ingredients as well as giving you the nutrition facts and ingredients. This is a helpful website to check out if you’re unsure if something you’re eating is unhealthy, or just how unhealthy something really is.