Couch to 5K: Get Fit in May
Have you always wanted to run a 5K but just weren’t sure about how to go about it? We have a perfect idea for you, courtesy of, and have timed it so that the training schedule will end with the Get Fit in May 5k held at Lincoln Street School in Exeter. The plan is personalized for you, as you can make your own schedule and choose what type of 5K you want to run, whether it be walking, jogging, running or a combination. But you don’t have to do it alone. The Exeter Healthy Hawks Program at EHS, led by Mrs. Gendreau, will help you along the way. There will be training after school, led by students, starting in early March. The Get Fit in May 5K will be held on Saturday, May 17, at Lincoln Street School in Exeter. We’ll keep you updated on the details of the upcoming run with announcements, blog posts, and tweets. So if you’ve ever wanted to run a 5k, now is your chance!
For more information, see Mrs. Gendreau F277 or email her at You can also tweet us at @Healthy_Hawks.